task 1: understanding FORM through building and construction activity
(individual work)
this task student need to find three TANGIBLE subjects from nature (insects or plants).The student need to reconstruct the structure of chosen subject matter in a from of wire structure . For this task I have chosen subject from nature is flowers, grasshoppers and leaf as to shape it easier and simpler
The first subject matter is a LEAF
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4
step 5
final step
final step
step 2
step 3
final step
last step
final race:
recycled boat (group project ) will be brought to suitable location (lake, beach, or river) for RACE!!!!
we do the race with at JERAM TOI
step 2
step 3
step 4
step 5
final step
The second subject matter is a FLOWER
step 1
final step
The last subject matter is a GRASSHOPPER
step 1
step 2
step 3
final step
Task 2: Structure Juxtaposition
(individual work)
this task student need to find the best structure will be selected from task 1. Rebuilding of the selected subject matter and selected water vehicle using wire by size of 1.5 feet and to combine both structure as one (subject matter + water vehicle). This task for the subject matter I chosen a flower to combine with a boat and it becomes " flower boat "
last step
task 3: final task
(group work)
- Forming a group at 10 students, selected design will be process to be built in school
- Each students will need to find recycle materials
- further research need to be done in obtaining ways on using recycle material
final race:
recycled boat (group project ) will be brought to suitable location (lake, beach, or river) for RACE!!!!
we do the race with at JERAM TOI